Beach Plogging 6.0 Pantai Cahaya Negeri PD

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Photo by Amelia L

It was a bountiful journey to Port Dickson and enjoyed 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. Blessed to meet all the beach ploggers included two new beach ploggers joined beach plogging of the day. Brother Zul and Hanum. Meet up point near the Baywatch tower Pantai Saujana Port Dickson, brother Zul told us that more ocean trash on Pantai Cahaya Negeri washed by the high tide. So we turned the tide on to the next beach just walking distance 5 minutes from Pantai Saujana.

I made short briefing before it started. We started picking up the trash stretched around 1 to 2 kilometers along the beachside. Picking up the trash under the sun on the hot sand beach is quite challenging sometimes. The best part about beach plogging it is really good exercise at the same time we could help save the environment and ocean from trash. Our beach littered with trash. Most annoying items we found on the beach plogging this time was flake balloons. Perhaps people who choose to celebrate their anniversary or whatsoever on the beach would stop from using balloons. The mother nature needs natural substances rather than non-biodegradable man-made pollution to feel great about herself. This tiny flake balloons could give bad impact to the ocean. Littering is uncool! 

High spirit and determination showed by our beach plogger, brother Zul, when he was picking up the trash, was absolutely marvelous. He was very precise of the trash that he was collected. As much as possible he will not let any one of the trash lose from his sight. Likewise to all our loyal beach ploggers, Sara, Mizah, and Mariah they were absolutely a great team member who did an amazing job by picking up the trash. They were among the first important friends that making this beach plogging possible.

We all know that trash is people problem as I mentioned in my previous blog. As much as we concerned about how trash would damage our ocean and environment, I would like to urge we should start to refuse if we cannot reuse them. Especially on our single-use plastic consumption in daily routine. What's makes me involved in beach plogging or beach cleanup movement? I believe in the grassroots movement I would be able to understand the real issue happening about plastic pollution. By witnessed it by myself and making an effort to beach clean up, it will lead me to another dimension of thinking which it will create self-awareness about what I have done and what I could do it to find a small-step solution towards the issue. It's a trivial matter for some people but if we thinking mindfully, a small step always counts if billions of people do the same things it can change the world.

Just an example of bottle caps. Bottle caps are just tiny simple useless plastic after we all finish our drink in the bottle. Surprisingly, bottle caps is one of the most plastic debris found in ever beach cleanup movement around the world! So basically where does the bottle caps come from? It's come from a plastic bottle. Do you know only from this beach plogging, we have collected 166 bottles caps. That is the only one-hour collection. Compared to the plastic bottles are 141. So we can start to think, what is the solution of not letting those bottles caps staked on our ocean and landfill? By using a reusable bottle and refill the water when you need it. 

The trash wasn't just a bottle caps, the overall plastics treasure we've found was enormously unimaginable. We've got to see people dumped clothes on the sand beach or it might wash away from other places. We've got to believe that people basically never care about a piece of plastic and trash they dumped everywhere. Counting and sorting the trash sometimes makes me feel richer haha. Anyway, we've taken almost one hour and a half to complete the sorting and counting processes. From the data collection, we found almost every section of the trash categories.

64 Cigarette Butts
92 Balloons (Pieces)
14 Toys
8 Fishing Gear
67 Plastic Bags
313 Food Wrappers
53 Containers (Plastic)
2 Containers (Foam)
22 Beverage Cans
166 Bottle Caps (Plastic)
141 Bottles (Plastic)
13 Bottles (Glass)
14 Lids
90 Straws
45 Utensils
381 Plastic/Foam Pieces
31 Other Packaging
255 Other Trash

Total : 28.45KG

5 May 2018 | Beach Plogging 6.0 Pantai Cahaya Negeri Port Dickson
